What to look for?

Before you choose your web host, make sure that:
  • The hosting type suits your needs
  • The hosting type is cost effective
  • Upgrading to a better server is possible
  • If needed, upgrading to a dedicated server is possible
Before you sign up with an ISP, surf some other web sites on their servers, and try to get a good feeling about their network speed. Also compare the other sites against yours, to see if it looks like you have the same needs. Contacting some of the other customers is also a valuable option.

Free Hosting

Some ISPs offer free web hosting.
Free web hosting is best suited for small sites with low traffic, like personal sites. It is not recommended for high traffic or for real business. Technical support is often limited, and technical options are few.
Very often you cannot use your own domain name at a free site. You have to use a name provided by your host like http://www.freesite.com/users/~yoursite.htm. 
This is hard to type, hard to remember, and not very professional.

>Low cost. It’s free.
>Good for family, hobby or personal sites.
>Free email is often an option.

>No domain names.
>Few, limited, or no software options.
>Limited security options.
>Limited or no database support.
>Limited technical support.

Compare hosting plans

There are many factors that need to be considered when searching for the best web hosting provider. First, does the host offer an affordable monthly rate? There are many great companies offering web hosting for only $3.95/month and we DO NOT recommend paying any more than that. Secondly, you should look for a reliable web host that offers stable servers and support the following types of sites: java, php, Ajax, ruby, html, and other web design platforms. I consider look for the top 10 best web hosting sites (find here) to be great hosting solutions for anyone! I would like to encourage you to compare web hosts by taking advantage of my free web hosting guides for your research.

Chosing the best hosting plan – types of hosting

Choosing web hosting service could be a daunting task. From affordable shared hosting to dedicated servers with only one website, each type of web hosting presents its own set of pros and cons.

Cheap Web Hosting for Individuals
Cheap web hosting is the best option to host small personal websites like blogs. It can be defined as any type of shared unix hosting service with hosting plans for under $10 a month usually including domain name registration fee.
>>Affordable Price
>>Easy to Use
>>Fast Setup

VPS Web Hosting for Small Businesses
VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server) is a preferred option for small and medium sized businesses since virtual server comes with a much greater degree of control, guaranteed level of performance, and advanced software.
>>Advanced Features
>>Secure Private Environment
>>Customized Software

Dedicated Servers for Enterprises
Dedicated servers represent the upper echelon of web hosting service because the hardware is devoted to only one customer, offering webmaster constant server monitoring, full customization, and dedicated network connectivity.
>>Full Control
>>Performance and Security
>>Guaranteed Reliability

Chosing the best hosting provider

As a customer, the most essential element of web hosting is the company providing the service. The web host must be able to ensure quality and reliability in order to make sure that your website will be available to internet users. This is made possible by running their network operations out of data centers, complete with state of the art electrical and backup power systems, environmental controls and advanced security measures. They must also deliver a superb level of customer service and technical support to make sure you have a way to present your questions or concerns 24/7/365. Collectively, these features better assure that your website is secure and running smoothly with minimal downtime. 

There are many aspects that go into a web hosting operation, and these are just a few of the key ingredients. You dont need to be a technical wizard just to run a website, but knowing what makes this business ticks can result in a less frustrating experience.

Web Hosting - Definition

Web hosting is a common service designed to serve websites to internet users. Operated by companies known as web hosting providers, or simply web hosts, these services are managed out of data center facilities and made available to personal and business customers in various regions throughout the world. Web hosting is composed of numerous elements, and four of the most essential of all are the server hardware, web server, operating system and the hosting provider itself.